Founding Law of SNEO

Chapter One

Single Article

Due to the importance and specific rehabilitation characteristics of SNE children including those with partial or total visual and hearing impairments, mentally retarded, emotionally disordered, sensory and physically disabled and children with multiple impairments, according to the present Act, a state institution so called “The Organization for Special Needs Education" is established. The head of the organization will be the Deputy Minister to the Minister of Education.

Provision 1- This organization will be an exception to the "State organizations Staff Balancing Rule" and will have its own budget within the state budget program.

Provision 2- All institutes and educational units working under the authentication of the Education Ministry whose activities are related to this kind of education or are identified as pertinent to this Organization, are transferred to this organization according to this statute.       

Provision 3- The Education Ministry must prepare the statute of the organization including its goals, duties, organization council and financial resources as well as the privileges (such as job perks, scheduled working hours appropriate to the job difficulties) for recruitment and maintenance of the required experts within two months and present it to the Education Commission of the Islamic Parliament for approval.

Provision 4- Fifty percent of the organization budget is excluded each year from the "Financial Audition Act". In order to set up the required facilities and equipment, the government must provide the organization with the necessary currency facilities during its first five years of establishment.

Provision 5- Five years of satisfactory governmental service in the organization will be counted as six years, in all aspects including for the retirement.

Provision 6- Dated from the adoption of this Act, all institutes working by the name of Special Needs Education in the Education Ministry and other ministries will be covered and ruled by this organization and all their movable and non-movable properties including their staff and physical resources are transferred to this organization.

The above Act including a single-article and six provisions was adopted by the Islamic Parliament of Iran in the open session on Wednesday 21 Azar, 1369 (12 Dec, 1990) and was ratified by the Guardian Council on 5 Dey, 1369 (26 Dec, 1990).

Chairman of the Islamic Parliament of Iran

Mehdi Karrubi


In the name of God

Statute of  Special Needs Education Organization (SNEO)


Article 1- In implementation of provision #3 of the Single Article concerning establishment of SNE organization adopted by the Islamic Parliament in 21 Azar, 1369 (12 Dec, 1990), the Organization for SNE, so called “The Organization” in this Act, will be run under the premises of this statute.


Article 2- The organization goals are as follows:

<![if !supportLists]>1-      <![endif]>Designing the education and rehabilitation systems so that physical and mental disabilities of SNE children are appropriately compensated and this kind of students can obtain their proper social and economic positions after graduation.

<![if !supportLists]>2-      <![endif]>Implementing consistent changes and modifications in SNE with regard to modern SDN methods in the world and in accordance with the needs of SNE individuals in the society.

<![if !supportLists]>3-      <![endif]>Educating and nurturing different categories of SNE children based on the needs of each  group at per-primary, primary and secondary levels with due emphasis on vocational education and coverage of all strata of such student population in the country.

<![if !supportLists]>4-      <![endif]>Aiding prevention of mental and physical disabilities before, during and after birth through raising awareness among the public on the causes of disabilities and characteristics of SNE students.



Article 3- The organization is responsible for carrying out the following duties as mentioned in Article 2.

<![if !supportLists]>1-      <![endif]>Developing a set of scales and criteria for assessment of SNE students’ skills and aptitude.

<![if !supportLists]>2-      <![endif]>Implementing plans regarding the identification and selection of SNE students.

<![if !supportLists]>3-      <![endif]>Developing specific educational programs for different categories of SNE children.

<![if !supportLists]>4-      <![endif]>Developing plans for qualitative and quantitative development of SNE children.

<![if !supportLists]>5-      <![endif]>Developing textbooks and special curricula corresponding to mental and physical needs of different groups of SNE students.

<![if !supportLists]>6-      <![endif]>Preparing and conducting research projects in relation to different groups of SNE students.

<![if !supportLists]>7-      <![endif]>Establishing consistent relationships with related local and international institutions in order to exchange the latest developments in SNE groups and making use of the latest research findings across the world in preparing instructional and training programs.

<![if !supportLists]>8-      <![endif]>Designing necessary vocational education plans for SNE students corresponding to their mental and physical abilities and providing technical, vocational and rehabilitation facilities required in the education centers via the related units with the purpose of boosting SNE students’ employment.

<![if !supportLists]>9-      <![endif]>Providing the needed human resources for the organization and conducting programs for in-service education of the organization staff and those working in the subordinate centers in cooperation with human resource Deputy-minister of education. 

<![if !supportLists]>10-  <![endif]>Evaluating SNE teachers and trainers as well as the SNE center managers and giving assistance and guidance to them to solve SNE problems.   

<![if !supportLists]>11-  <![endif]>Providing the necessary equipment and facilities for designing, production and distribution of educational aids and realia.

<![if !supportLists]>12-  <![endif]>Paving the grounds for compilation and translation of useful books and resources for SNE parents and teachers.

<![if !supportLists]>13-  <![endif]>Raising financial and non-financial aid from the public, other organizations, institutions and rehabilitation associations in order for the betterment of SNE sector.

<![if !supportLists]>14-  <![endif]>Planning and determination of rules for participation of NGO’s in SNE and the mechanisms to encourage them to take part as well as monitoring their activities.

<![if !supportLists]>15-  <![endif]>Aligning, cooperating and collaboration with universities and higher education institutes in the country in order to give direction to their research towards the needs of the organization and using the university lecturers and students’ potential in this regard. 

<![if !supportLists]>16-  <![endif]>Providing plans for equipping, furnishing and developing SNE centers by conducting research studies, reviewing and learning from the experience of other countries in this field.   


CHAPTER TWO: Main Elements

Article 4- The main establishment elements of the organization are:

<![if !supportLists]>1-      <![endif]>Organization Council

<![if !supportLists]>2-      <![endif]> Head of the Organization

Council Members

Article 5- Members of the council are:

<![if !supportLists]>1-      <![endif]>Minister of Education who is also the chairman of the council

<![if !supportLists]>2-      <![endif]>Minister of Labor or one of his deputy ministers

<![if !supportLists]>3-      <![endif]>Head of the Organization for Well –being

<![if !supportLists]>4-      <![endif]>Head or deputy head of the Foundation for the Poor and War Devotees

<![if !supportLists]>5-      <![endif]>Deputy ministers of education in educational, research, VET, cultural and HR affairs.

<![if !supportLists]>6-      <![endif]> Head of the SNE Organization

<![if !supportLists]>7-      <![endif]>Two SNE experts

<![if !supportLists]>8-      <![endif]>An experienced and informed SNE teacher

<![if !supportLists]>9-      <![endif]>Two interested and trusted people committed to SNE

<![if !supportLists]>10-  <![endif]> A disabled expert in SNE, who is recommended by the Organization for Well –being with priority of ladies

<![if !supportLists]>11-  <![endif]>A member of the Education Commission of the Parliament with the choice of the Education Commission

Provision 1- The members mentioned in rows 7, 8, and 9 are assigned by the Education Minister for four years. The expert member mentioned in row 7 is recommended by the Minister of Higher Education and the members mentioned in row 9 are recommended by the Head of the Organization for Well-being.

Provision 2- The procedures for holding and management of the sessions will be carried out according to the bylaws adopted by the council.


Council Duties

Article 6- The council’s duties are as follows:

<![if !supportLists]>1-      <![endif]>Determining general policies of the organization and monitoring their achievement

<![if !supportLists]>2-      <![endif]>Adopting specific employment regulations in the organization which is prepared by the head of the organization in alignment with the Organization for Administrative and Employment Affairs in the country.

<![if !supportLists]>3-      <![endif]>Adopting rules and regulations for implementation of Article 5 of the Single Article pertinent to the establishment of the organization.

<![if !supportLists]>4-      <![endif]>Adopting the organization’s annual plans and budgets

<![if !supportLists]>5-      <![endif]>Adopting the organization’s administrative rules and regulations suggested by the head of the organization.

Head of the Organization

Article 7- The head of the organization that is assigned by the Minister of Education, is the highest official and administrative body responsible for proper implementation of all affairs in the organization and is fully authorized in implementation of approvals by the council.   

Duties and Authorizations of the Head of the Organization


Article 8- The main Duties and Authorizations of the Head of the Organization are as follows:

<![if !supportLists]>1-      <![endif]>Managing  the organization’s affairs

<![if !supportLists]>2-      <![endif]>Recruitment, placement, displacement, staff promotion and development and issuance of payment orders

<![if !supportLists]>3-      <![endif]>Implementation of the Organization Council approvals

<![if !supportLists]>4-      <![endif]>Representing the organization in judiciary and administrative bodies in all procedures, with the right of assigning advocates or advocates with advocacy rights

<![if !supportLists]>5-      <![endif]>Repotting the organization’s activities and performance to the organization council.

<![if !supportLists]>6-      <![endif]>Suggesting administrative bylaws, plans and proposals to the Organization Council in order to achieve the organization goals.

<![if !supportLists]>7-      <![endif]>Suggesting the required privileges for recruitment and maintenance of teachers, trainers and school principals and other staff in the organization, to the Organization Council for approval.

Provision- The head of the organization can delegate some of his authorizations to any of the mangers/deputies in the organization on his own discernment.


CHAPTER THREE: Other Regulations


Article 9- The organization’s required funding is dedicated via a specified bill section in the country’s budget plan every year.


Provision- The organization’s required funding for the first year will be provided from the budgets dedicated to SNE children in the Ministry of Education, the Organization for Well-being and other organizations, however, from the recurring years it will be provisioned in the government budget plans independently, as other organizations.


Article 10- The Organization is authorized to sell its books, publications and services according to the approved regulations suggested by the Organization and approved by the Board of Ministers and transfer its revenues to the country’s General Revenue Account. The equivalent amount transferred to the treasury will be counted in the organization’s funding each year and will be granted to it for carrying out duties and achieving its goals.


Article 11- Incomes coming from the presents and gifts by the public, banks, municipalities and other administrative bodies and charity institutions are considered as financial resources of the organization.


Article 12- By the adoption of this statute, all the properties, facilities and equipment along with the human forces belonging to the education and rehabilitation of SNE individuals under the authorization of the Education Ministry are hereby transferred to this organization with its discretion.


Article 13- All the institutes, units, centers and relevant sections in the Education Ministry and other organizations along with all their human resources and their entire movable and non-movable properties, tools, supplies and facilities are hereby transferred to this organization by the suggestion of the Education Minister and approval of the Board of Ministers.


Article 14- Any unanticipated cases in this document will be subject to the existing rules and regulations of the country.


This statute comprising 14 articles and 4 provisions which its adoption had been delegated to the Education Commission of the Parliament based on Provision 3 of the Single Article concerning the establishment of SNE organization adopted in 29 Mordad, 1370 (20 Aug, 1991), has been ratified by the Guardian Council in 24 Shahrivar, 1370 (15 Sep, 1991).

Chairman of the Islamic Parliament

Mehdi Karrubi